Save the dams

PRESS DEMOCRAT - February 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor

EDITOR: Pat Burns hit the nail on the head (“Preserving water supplies,” Letters, Jan. 14). There is misinformation being spread by groups following Rep. Jared Huffman’s erroneous theory that taking down dams will restore salmon. Stop blaming dams. Salmon populations are declining from California up to Alaska. Put the blame where it belongs.

The Eel River has four major forks and hundreds of tributaries where salmon and steelhead spawn. The most egregious problems are illegal water diversions for unpermitted cannabis operations and chemicals leaching into these depleted tributaries. “A River’s Last Chance” (Amazon Prime) documents hundreds of these illegal water diversions. Who is addressing this problem?

Huffman’s federal money could be better spent to help the fish by saving and upgrading the Van Arsdale diversion and repairing and raising Scott Dam to hold more water. Upgrading the existing fish ladder at Van Arsdale Dam and installing a hydroelectric plant at Scott Dam could power a fish hatchery using only native broodstock eggs.

Salmon populations can be improved by Scott Dam holding back cold water for release in the fall when salmon are returning, especially in dry years, while limiting summer diversions. Our existing dams and reservoirs provide the much-needed water capacity to provide for the fish and humans.

